Here is a great intro into orgone energy in which we were interviewed on the Viceland TV show, "Mr. Tachyon" in an episode called "Can Orgone Energy Reduce Stress?" The answer proved to be yes! You can see our own orgonite in an ice test and watch participants benefit from time in an orgone accumulator in controlled lab tests. This is a balanced look at how orgonite works on us and how you can improve your life by bringing orgonite into your home.
Mr. Tachyon on Viceland - Can Orgone Energy Reduce Stress?
How to make orgonite pyramids
An early video we made in 2015 on how to make orgonite flat topped pyramids just like ours. This is a great place to start learning to make orgonite because we use an easy crafting resin with a simple mixing ratio. This is a low fume to no fume option perfect for new orgonite makers.
How to make orgonite towerbusters
Our towerbuster tutorial is a very popular video many have used to learn to make simple TBs for gifting. Once you've mastered crafting resin, you can use any resin. This is a little more advanced and requires a well ventilated space and a respirator. TBs are inexpensive to make and the best orgonite for use in the environment.
Wisdom from Other Teachers
Rainbow Thunder Heart aka Benny Lebeau & Blue Thunder (1950-2016)
In 2004, Rainbow Thunder Heart held medicine wheel ceremonies in Big Bear, California to heal a drought. With the help of the community and Aztec dancers from LA, they worked with the crystal medicine wheel and did rain dances bringing about a great snow storm, effectively stopping a local cloud seeding operation, which was then deemed unnecessary. He taught us about the ley lines of the Earth and how there are sacred sites all over the planet that are part of a greater medicine wheel. His life's work was to conduct ceremonies at these sites to heal the Earth's energy and restore the natural balance. Watch the documentary, Healing Mother Earth's Sacred Sites.
There are No Forests on Earth
Watch the English dubbed version of the original Russian video about a theory of a silicon era of life on Earth. You will never see the landscape of the Earth the same way again. In ancient times, according to this documentary, the Earth was covered by giant forests of silicon based trees, which were all catastrophically destroyed by a parasitic invasion of our world. This information is an important piece of the puzzle as to how we got to the present day planetary emergency and why it is so vital that we take action to heal our world. This version of the film is beautifully narrated by Rhonda Fairman and was produced by Deep Inside the Rabbit Hole. Watch There are No Forests on Earth and transform your mind.
Obolix, an alternate orgone energy tool
The obolix was invented by Lusor Joculator Basiliensis, otherwise known as Ea, in 2010. This is an energy tool that anyone can make, like orgonite, with a slightly different function. The obolix is a quartz crystal wrapped in layers of the noble metals. It works with the sun's ionizing rays to create a clear atmosphere and balance the weather. Ea's Vimeo and YouTube pages include how to make an obolix and the remarkable results of his work. His artistic documentation of the beauty of the sky featuring his own accordion music and singing are a moving tribute to the power of orgone energy. Bridges for Archangels and Endless Waters show the culmination of his work in the Swiss Alps.

Revised Instructions to Make Chlorine Dioxide Solution
Chlorine dioxide solution has been used for decades to kill pathogens in drinking water. Now you can make your own CDS at home so you never run out of this very effective pathogen-destroying solution. These instructions come from the late Jim Humble. His name for CDS was "miracle mineral solution" or "MMS," so you may know it by that name. We call it by its scientific name, chlorine dioxide solution. We have simplified the instructions and corrected measurement errors in the original instructions. We offer these revised instructions for you to make your own CDS. We also have CDS kits available in our shop if you don't want to make your own.
Recommended Reading - Books on the Energetic War and Parasitic Presence on Earth

Invisible Soldiers, Silent War by Sharon Daphna
In order to thoroughly understand our work and how orgonite has restored the climate of the US West and beyond, reading this book is essential. It answers the questions about weather modification the anti-geoengineering movement and government actors cannot answer, and in fact only provide more confusion on. It answers your questions on climate change that the meteorologists and university professors can't answer because it explains the science of orgonomy, the true science of weather discovered by Wilhelm Reich. It also delves into the human element of the emotional desert and how our own minds impact the atmosphere and the world around us. This book contains the first five years of our work and results of gifting orgonite in the US west.
Ether, God and Devil / Cosmic Superimposition by Wilhelm Reich
These two volumes in one explain Wilhelm Reich's discovery of the cosmic orgone and how it works in humans, animals, and plants, and in the formation of the physical world around us. He explains DOR and the armoring of the organism, how planets and galaxies are formed out of spiraling orgone energy streams, and orgone energy in the atmosphere. He shows our connection with nature through the cosmic orgone energy, which is a part of us and everything.
This book gives a great overview of orgone energy as it pertains to planetary healing. It uses his model of functionalism, while established science is stuck in mechanistic thinking, and the New Age religion is stuck in mystical thinking. Only through a functional approach do we get a full understanding of orgone energy.
Available though the Wilhelm Reich Museum and other sources.
Contact With Space by Wilhelm Reich
Wilhelm Reich's last book before his death in prison in 1957 is the culmination of his discoveries in orgone energy in relation to the earth's weather and climate and our impact on the world around us through our own minds. It is his greatest work, in which he has documented his Cloudbusting experiments to generate rain and combat desert in the US west, his inadvertent involvement in inter-planetary war, and his discovery of the non-human source of DOR behind the war against life on earth. During his weather experiments, without ever intending it, he discovered UFOs were connected with DOR, and he brought widespread rain in a time of great drought to the Arizona desert. The book delves deeply into the mind of the world's first planetary healer and his incredible journey across the country.
Available though the Wilhelm Reich Museum and other sources.
Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11 by Judy Wood
This book is a forensic analysis of what effectively is a crime scene. Ground Zero and the surrounding areas were photographed thousands of times, yet no one really assessed all of the phenomena found in these photographs. What is presented in this book is not a theory and it is not speculation. It is the body of empirical evidence that must be explained in order to determine what happened at Ground Zero. Many people have speculated as to who committed the crimes of 9/11 and/or how they did so. But without addressing what happened, speculation of this kind is nothing more than conspiracy theory. Dr. Wood's research is not speculation. It is a forensic investigation of what happened to the WTC complex on 9/11.
Available at Amazon and many other sources.