Sharon Daphna is an author, orgonomist, planetary healer, researcher, and craftswoman from Los Angeles. She began her life as an artist and musician, receiving a BFA from UCLA and playing live music. In 2012, she began to observe the sky and noticed lingering pollution from airplanes, as well as health problems and rain suppression on days that she saw heavy amounts of air pollution. At that point she became obsessed about learning what was going on in the sky and finding a solution to bringing back the blue sky and natural weather.
In 2014, Sharon and her husband, Gabriel, discovered that orgone energy was the solution to clearing air pollution and ending drought. Since April of that year, they have been making orgone energy devices called orgonite, and have distributed over 8000 tactical orgonite pieces (towerbusters) throughout the US west. On her blog site, Somewhere Under the Chembow, she has documented all their work with photos, descriptions, and weather reports in real time. Her 2020 book, Invisible Soldiers, Silent War, documents their work from 2014-2019 and proves that orgonite works. This book ties together the seemingly disparate elements of electromagnetic pollution, weather and climate imbalances, mind control, extraterrestrial interference, and the triumph of human consciousness. It explains how we can clean our skies and end drought, and how orgone energy is also the key to freeing our minds and overcoming mental slavery.​
Sharon has done public talks, including panels and seminars at the 5D Event and Conscious Life Expo, and has been a guest on Buzzsaw with Sean Stone, Beyond Belief with George Noory on GaiamTV (now Gaia), and many others. Sharon and Gabriel were both interviewed on the Viceland TV show, Mr. Tachyon in 2018, which explored alternative science. She hosted The Activation Hour on Talknetwork.com, featuring health, science, technology, and spirituality, and also co-hosted The View From Marrs, with the late renowned author, Jim Marrs, on Talknetwork, covering Jim's areas of expertise. She is currently the co-host of The Human Frequency, with Gabriel, which covers the war on humanity by forces beyond the government, and real life solutions to freeing ourselves from these negative influences.​
Working with orgone energy devices to actively dismantle the weather control arrays of cell towers throughout the US west has led her to new understandings of the true nature of the energetic war on humanity and our Earth, as has studying the work of Wilhelm Reich. These are ideas that Sharon conveys in her talks and writing in order to help people overcome the psychological warfare of the “chemtrail” psy-op and to become the creators of a positive world through accessing their minds’ power to shape their reality. Orgone energy is the gateway to a new level of consciousness, and through working with this free energy, which is our own life force, she has been learning and sharing the spiritual awakening that could only happen in the face of such darkness.​​
Sharon Daphna is the name holder and CEO of the registered business entity, SHARON DAPHNA SCHLOSS, which she uses to operate legally in the world of commerce. She lives with her husband, Gabriel Lazar, and their mustang, Sawyer, in the mountains of Southern California.

Gabriel Lazar is Sharon’s husband. He is an orgone energy worker, teacher, orgonite maker and gifter. A Los Angeles native and a former session musician, he has turned his attention to the field of orgonomy, with a focus on exposing the parasitic entities which influence human activity, and counteracting their efforts with orgonite. He also helps Sharon to expose the controlled opposition of the geoengineering “awareness” movement, replacing fear and helplessness with orgone energy, the solution to drought, pollution and so much more.​
Gabe co-hosts The Human Frequency and is also a contributor to Sharon’s blog, Somewhere Under the Chembow. He has appeared on Truth Be Told with Tony Sweet on UBN Radio, Earth Sky People with Victoria Vives Khuong, and was featured on the Viceland TV show, Mr. Tachyon in 2018. He has participated in teaching workshops with Sharon and was a featured speaker at the 5D Event on the groundbreaking Orgone Energy Panel. Together, Gabe and Sharon run their website thechembow.com, where they offer orgonite products and tutorials, information on orgone energy and how to emerge victorious in the war against human consciousness. Gabe also spends much of his time managing their online orgonite shop. He is the name holder and CEO of the registered business entity GABRIEL LAZAR COHEN.​
In his spare time, Gabe enjoys playing keyboards, golfing, Italian lounge music from the 60s and 70s, and reciting useless hockey facts and statistics from the 1990s. He is also an ardent LA Kings hockey fan and can talk for hours on the subject.

Sharon Daphna: thechembow[at]gmail.com
Gabriel Lazar: gabriel.lazar1985[at]gmail.com
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The Chembow
P.O. Box 925
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